Saturday, September 1, 2012

Ed Miller Archive Caption 0028

It's my own fault. I know that. When my ex-girlfriend turned me into a girl, she told me that every time I had sex with a man, my tits would get bigger. I figured that'd be no problem, I wasn't gay. I had no intention of letting a man put his dick anywhere near my pussy. But she also told me how much better it felt to be fucked than to go lesbian. I tried girls for a while, and it was pretty good, but I couldn't get what she said out of my mind. Eventually, I caved. Drunk and curious, I let a man fuck me. I meant it to be just once, but I was addicted. The feeling of fullness. The insistent stabbing, penetrating my pussy again and again. When he came inside me, shooting his cum into my cunt. I needed it again. I can't quit. I know my huge titties are ridiculous, but they're going to get even bigger because I love being fucked to much to stop. No matter how big I get.

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